Collect funds from companies by suggesting to use electronic season's greeting (christmas) cards instead of normal postal cards, and as such supporting the chosen assocation/foundation.
The project is initiated prior to winter/holiday season, typically October/November. Approach organizations/companies and propose to use the electronic card from the association/foundation (might need to be created) or to add the logo and a supportive sentence (e.g. 'Company x' supports the 'x association/foundation) to the organization's/company's exisisting electronic card. The organization/company can be asked to donate a fixed amount to use this electronic card or logo. Alternatively, a price per single card sent can be requested.
All sorts of organizations and companies send season's greeting cards to their customers. Contact existing partners and/or look for new partnerships.
The cost of having to design an electronic sesason's greetings card can be omited by suggesting to use the logo of the association/foundation and a supportive sentence.
A person from the association/foundation needs to be chosen to be in charge of this initiative. In case an electronic greeting card is designed (internally or by an apointed company), approval from the association's/foundation's board/council might be needed.
In-house project.
Promoting the elctronic season's greating card can be done on the association's/foundation's website and/or social media.
Plan to contact the organization/company after the holiday to seen to ask for feedback on ecards.
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