Raise money for chosen association/foundation by inviting employees to wear jeans to work instead of formal working attire.
The event can be organised monthly, bi-monthly, semi-annually, etc. to raise a pre-defined amount of money (e.g. minimum of 3EUR per person/employee). Determine a specific weekday with permission and approval of senior management.
All employees of the organization can participate. Participation is ofcourse on a voluntary basis and can not be imposed.
Resources: employees, money collection boxes, budget for t-shirts or anything else that differentiates the volunteers going around the organization collecting the money. Hidden costs: time of employees volunteering to help organize the event, of those in charge of the communication and those who collect the funds.
Typically, a committee of volunteers is created amongst the employees and a head of the committee is nominated.
The event is organised and hosted in-house.
The 'Jeans Day' needs to be announced beforehand and reminders need to be sent to employees as to guarantee a maximum of participation. Prior to the event, the employees can be asked to put forward associations or foundations they wish to support. This can be done via a survey.
To ensure repitition and commitment from the employees, post-event communication is important. The total amount of funds collected can be communicated via mail, newsletter, internet, ... Typically, an official cheque hand-over is organised with the chosen association/foundation.
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