Pediatric cancer


100 children in Europe are diagnosed with cancer


Less than 10% of young patients in Europe have access to an innovative treatment


6,000 children die of cancer every year in Europe


Number of children/adolescents and their families cared for by the Foundation (2024 figures)

Our missions

Help for families

The multi-disciplinary team offers psychosocial, administrative, logistical and financial support, as well as household help, educational activities, school support and entertainment for the sick child and his/her siblings.


In addition to direct aid, the Foundation is committed to raising public awareness, and to this end undertakes national awareness campaigns. As part of its awareness-raising mission, the Foundation collaborates with national and international players to improve the condition of sick children and their families.

Search help

By supporting the sick child, the Foundation is clearly also interested in the disease itself. As a result, the Foundation has set itself the goal of actively funding research to cure more children with less toxic treatments.

The Foundation




regular volunteers


Board members


partnerships per year

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The donation will be taken once a month, on the same date as the first donation.

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Association recognized of public utility. – All donations are tax deductible.
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Association recognized of public utility. – All donations are tax deductible.
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